Wednesday 16 July 2014

MI H3 The Whalebone Fingrinhoe

Or what you have to do in order to get a drink on a Monday evening

It was a really big crowd meeting for this Hash on a beautiful summer's evening at The Whalebone in Fingrinhoe and we got away on the dot - a sawdust one actually. 

Having found our first 'on on' we set off downhill which always prompts me to state the same boring fact: what goes down must go up.
The Woman in Black whose tee shirt was much admired

There had been heavy rain and very high humidity the day before so it was great to get out on an evening without having to worry about the weather.
Those poor souls in front who would soon be reaching a sign telling
them to run back to the last runner

There were still runners joining the hash after it started so that those who were having to return from the front to join the back of the run had a long way to go as people kept on arriving.

Testing their fitness by doing the biggest loop back ever

This looked innocent enough but it turned into a really long slow uphill track

Nearly there - Becci breaking the speed limit and enjoying the lovely evening sunshine

Becci claimed she was 'unaware of the speed limit'
we've heard it all before Madam 

Yes I know 'Swinger' won't let you have a go but they're calling 'On On'


through a jungle

It's got to be that way

'Beer Can' photo bombing 

The Dodger looking pleased at avoiding the mud while
 'Swinger' contemplates fetching some rope

There's a pile of sawdust here somewhere?

Watching someone disappear into the distance not having
listened to the 'within a metre of us' call
That's an interesting move -
meanwhile Sue makes her escape through the fence
bottom right (and a lovely one it is too)
I'll just warn you now - they are admiring your jacket
oh to be fit, young and blond

There is nothing the 'Swinger' likes better than to leave them dangling
Sue decides to capture the wildlife

She hasn't spotted these yet!

How green things look from the other side of the barbed wire fence

Yep I did warn you - that is the jacket

Ah, the blessed relief of a pint and the usual packet of weird crisps

To be savoured in one of those 'little houses'


  • I find it best to wear two pairs (bit of a pants conversation)
  • Nuts always have a tendency to come loose about half way (apparently about bicycling long distances)
  • You can see they are getting ready to charge (cows!)
  • It's not mine - it's my friend's (that jacket again just before several sweaty legs and some very iffy bottoms climbed over it)
Another great Hash and I'll leave you with the lovely 'Whowears' determined he will be first at the bar:

Disclaimer: any similarity to persons real or imaginary or any innuendo are entirely a figment of your mind and not the responsibility of the author. 

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