Thursday 13 March 2014

Countdown to Colchester Half Marathon


I was struggling to get off to sleep last night about half past midnight and I knew exactly the reason. Moonlight! I am super sensitive to light and usually I would reach for the eye mask and sleep would soon follow. There was something unusual about the quality of this light though and I knew I would have to get up to and have a look. Creeping about the house gives you a feeling of escape and the moonlight flooding across a mist filled garden drew me downstairs in search of my camera. I was filled with longing to go out and I slipped on my coat and wellington boots and tiptoed outside. 

It was pure magic. The trees were silhouetted against a navy blue sky punctuated here and there with a few bright stars but none so pure and white as the moon itself. Without the merest whisper of a breeze there was complete stillness. The mist was soft and silver reflecting the moonshine and in the distance I could hear cattle lowing and sheep baa-ing. The tawny owl called out and there were small snuffling and scurrying sounds in the flower beds. Out here we have no street lights and almost no traffic at night and the moon and the night and the silent stillness were like a gift and I crept back inside so happy to have followed my heart.

My plans for the day were:

  • Review sleep
  • Start increasing hydration
  • Test bag at Running Club for Sunday
Review Sleep

It's no good hiding now - you've done your worst!
(view last night as I stepped outside looking across to my Mum's roof next door)

My sleep has been logged at 97% most nights recently and, of course, just this last week when I need to get good quality rest I have been waking lots and last night my percentage dropped to 90%. I think it might have to be the eye mask tonight or I won't shake off the sore eyes and general lethargy I feel today.

Start increasing hydration

My daily notes from my planner with empty glasses I will try to fill (and an apple core)

Getting hydration right can be a tricky area. I have mismanaged this a couple of times recently before running clubs and ended up rushing off - well you know why - but you can also find yourself sloshing about like a half filled hot water bottle - not pleasant. So I am using my planner note pages to fill in the glasses of water and I will try to drink at well spaced time during the day. 

Test bag at running club for Sunday

I have two options for carrying food and other essentials for Sunday.

  • High viz cropped top
  • Sweaty Betty bum bag

The top I know works really well but it does add another layer of warmth even though it is quite small. It also means I will be clearly visible which might be safer as there will be times when I find myself on country roads separated from other runners.

The bag fits round my waist but the temptation is to overfill it and also it interferes with my running number. The number is tagged this year so I won't want to risk damaging it.

Running club was cancelled so it was just Becci, my best running friend, and I for a three mile gentle run. The run was fine but the bag kept riding round to my side where my arm was in danger of catching it - so decision made. High Viz top it is.

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